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SCIT Housing Advisory Committee

Advisory Committee Group Shot

The AC is comprised of five residents who reside in Housing’s rental units or on Isabella reservation lease lands. The role of the Committee is to work with the SCHD staff to assist with establishing and updating policies and procedures affecting the residents and tenants participating in SCHD programs. One of the committee’s main goals is to help improve communication between the tenants and the Housing department.

The SCIT Housing committee meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 5:15pm in the Housing conference room. Meetings are open to the public and agendas are posted on the SCHD Website and in the lobby of the Housing Office. Meeting minutes are available to the public via the Tribal website and will also be posted in the Housing office lobby.

The next committee meeting is Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Please feel free to join us.

If you would like to communicate to the entire Housing committee; please e-mail:

The Advisory Committee is NOT in charge of emergencies. If you have an emergency with your unit please call 989-621-2669 (for maintenance emergency) or 911 (for medical emergency).