Procedural reminders given in regard to percapita
Scott Csernyik
4/11/2002 12:00:00 AM
Tribal Council approved a change in the per capita policy on Feb. 22 which allows members to increase their federal tax withholding.
Members must have a minimum of 20 percent, but now have the option to increase their withholding. A voluntary withholding request form must be completed and submitted to the Per Capita Department to change the withholding amount.
Once a member files this form to request a change, they must wait three months before asking for another change.
Changes received in the Per Capita Department by
5 p.m. on Wednesdays will be effective on the next check. The members' withholding rate will remain at 20 percent unless the Per Capita Department receives a form requesting the change.
Address changes
Please remember that the Per Capita Office staff cannot hold checks. You must keep your address current at all times. If you change your address with the post office prior to changing your address with the Tribal Clerk's Office, your check will be returned to the Per Capita Office. This often takes up to a week to be returned. The post office cannot forward per capita checks to a new address.
Direct deposits encouraged
Once the checks are delivered to the post office, the delivery of the mail becomes their responsibility. As many of you are aware, checks can sometimes be delayed for various reasons and there is a two-week waiting period before a check can be reissued. To avoid delays in receiving your funds, direct deposit is the best option available.
New adult member pay schedule
If you become a new member or turn 18 during the following time period this year, your first scheduled per capita payment will begin as follows:
Jan. 1 - March 31........................April 1
April 1 - June 30.........................July 1
July 1 - Sept. 30.........................Oct. 7
Oct. 1 - Dec. 31.........................Jan. 6