Higher Education offers Tribal Scholarship Program
Observer Staff
4/13/2006 12:00:00 AM
The Higher Education Department of the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe wishes to make the community aware of the extensive Tribal Scholarship Program that the Tribe funds for its members. Under this program, students may receive scholarship awards as a full-time or part-time student in pursuit of an undergraduate or graduate degree. The scholarship amount is determined by the number of credit hours the student enrolls in and students may attend any public college, university or state accredited vocational/technical school.
The Youth Leadership Program is a bridge program designed to assist high school juniors and seniors make the transition to a higher education institution. Students in this program receive assistance with student fees, textbooks and supplies. In addition, a stipend is provided to students for seated class time.
The Academic Incentive Award Program rewards students who have excelled by achieving a 3.0/B or better in any of their classes. This monetary award is presented to students at the annual banquet held in June. Graduating students and students who have achieved a 3.5 or higher cumulative grade point average are recognized and presented with special plaques in accordance with the student's achievement.
For those who thrive on a challenge, the Tribal Leadership Program is for you! This program is intended to create opportunities for Tribal members to acquire the necessary education, experience and skills to perform in positions of leadership and responsibility within the Tribe.
Key management positions within Tribal business ventures will be targeted for internships. All leadership interns are required to work 20 hours per week throughout their internship and enroll at full-time status in a public college/university in Michigan. Students in this program are considered regular full-time employees. Interns are also eligible for the Tribal Scholarship and Academic Incentive Award Programs.
The Career Development Program mirrors the Tribal Leadership Program by providing students in two-year degree programs, an internship in a Tribal department relative to their field of study while enrolled at full-time status at a public college/university in Michigan.
Applications are also available for the Michigan Indian Tuition Waiver program and will be happy to assist students with this process. The Michigan Indian Tuition Waiver allows qualified applicants to attend any Michigan public college or university at no tuition cost. Students are required to meet the one-quarter blood quantum and one year Michigan residency requirements to participate in this program.
The Higher Education Department will have booths set up at the Saginaw Chippewa Tribal College Open House on Thursday, April 20 and the At-Large Health and Financial Fair in Bay City on Sunday, April 30. We invite you to stop by and pick up information on any of the Higher Education programs. We look forward to seeing you at one or both of these events!
If you have any questions or would like additional information regarding any of these programs, please feel free to contact Sharon Hinmon at (989) 775-4505 or Todd Williamson at (989) 775-4506.