Letter from the Chief
Observer Staff
4/13/2006 12:00:00 AM
Boozhu, Tribal Members,
On behalf of our Council Administration, I trust this letter finds you and your family enjoying the prosperity God has blessed our people with. Spiritual leadership is important for any nation, and we take our direction from timeless principles, truth, understanding and wisdom which guard and guide our steps.
Please trust in this truth: God, our Creator, has led our people to this time in our lives and He will continue to light our path. We can see this truth in the programs and services offered to the Tribal Membership. As our Council Administration maintains our commitment to fiscal responsibility, it is necessary to evaluate how we are implementing and delivering services.
We are moving forward with many projects that impact our community in a positive way. The Saganing Outreach Center, the Elders assisted living project and developing the reservation activity center are certainly a part of that. Most importantly, are the discussions Council has with our project coordination team regarding economic development.
First and foremost, the maintenance and continuation of per capita at current levels is paramount to our leadership. There are no plans to reduce per capita payments in 2006. The challenges of looking at how we move toward other opportunities of increasing investment in our business remains a priority as Council moves through strategic planning.
In the most recent packet mailed to the membership, you will find Council minutes and a copy of Ordinance 14. Much discussion has been made on speculation and interpretation of this document regarding enrollment.
We also encourage those members who have not yet sent their annual reports to the office of Tribal Clerk to do so. Our Council appreciates your continued prayers and support and we welcome your comments in writing and remember our regular monthly meetings (April 4 and May 2) are open to the Tribal membership and start at 9 a.m. in the senior's room at Tribal Operations.
Our annual Good Friday interdenominational worship service is scheduled for April 14 starting at 10 a.m. I hope you and your family can join us as we lift our community up in prayers.
God bless us all,
Tribal Chief Fred Cantu, Jr.