Students interact with animals in the classroom
Sarah Cummins
1/16/2000 12:00:00 AM
Children can learn control and confidence while working with critters,
contends local school official Jane Jones.
"Hello, hello, hello," chimed four-year-old Rachel Bigford as she snuggled
baby buffalo August Dawn. Smiling brightly, Rachel wrapped her arms around the
buffalo and started the motions to hop on.
"We don't ride on buffalo; we ride on horses," explained Teacher Assistant
Jane Jones to Rachel.
This particular pre-primary classroom at the Saginaw Chippewa Academy Binoojiinh
Montessori has frequent visits from a baby buffalo and is home to many fish,
lizards and a white rabbit.
Jones explained her belief that children benefit from interacting with animals.
"We've got a couple of kids who are really hyper," stated Jones. "They're not
ADHD [Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder] kids, you wouldn't consider
them that, but they just don't focus well. When they work with any of the animals
they seem to really focus for that period of time, so it's almost like a counseling/therapy
session for them."
According to Jones, not only elementary students but also teens can benefit
from interaction with animals. "We've got a lot of problem kids who need to
learn respect for themselves and for the people around them," stated Jones.
Jones would like to develop a program where children can go to a farm and
work with animals. In her plan, the children would have to earn points in order
to have hands-on interaction with the animals.
The concept of children and even adults benefiting from interaction with animals
is not new. Many organizations currently exist which focus on several issues
involving such interaction. They focus on education, abused children and animal
recovery programs, therapeutic contact with animals for the elderly and seriously
ill and bonding and focusing exercises for children within the classroom.
The National Association for Humane and Environmental Education is the youth
education division of The Humane Society of the United States. The NAHEE was
founded in 1973 as a national resource for educators and teachers affiliated
with local humane agencies.
The NAHEE's primary goal is to "enable educators to more effectively teach
children the value of kindness toward one another, animals and the Earth, and
to empower youth as they seek to embody the ideal of respect and appreciation
for life."
The NAHEE also conducts Breaking the Cycle of Abuse workshops. The workshops
are part of the solution to one of the NAHEE's chief objectives which is to
"increase public awareness between animal cruelty and child abuse."
Another program focusing on children interacting with animals is "Paws in the
Classroom" conducted through the Pet Society of Northern Alberta. The purpose
of this course is "to encourage appropriate behaviors and stimulate interest
in academic endeavors through the students' interest in pets."
The methods involved in this program include visiting dogs unleashed in the
classroom and students interacting with them as long as the students continues
to show interest and participate in class discussion and activities. Guest speakers
such as veterinarians, dog obedience trainers and pet groomers are also part
of the program along with a field trip to the Edmonton Society for the Prevention
of Cruelty to Animals.
According to the Paws in the Classroom website, the preliminary results of
this program include an increase in attendance and timeliness of students, improvements
in attention and concentration as evident by responses and questions during
discussion and scores on weekly exams, improved respect for teachers, instructors,
each other and visitors, and many other benefits.
One of Michigan's organizations for positive human-animal interaction is AnimaLink,
Inc. The objectives of this organization are to "promote the benefits that humans
receive through their interaction with animals; create a support structure through
which individuals can develop and attain opportunities for quality human-animal
interactions; provide information, expertise and tools to facilities, groups
and individuals whose lives and services are or could be improved through quality
human-animal interactions; and educate, motivate and connect individuals involved
in all aspects of human-animal interaction activities."
AnimaLink, Inc. has three departments in order to meet the needs of human-animal
interaction participants. These are Therapeutic Animal Services, Companion Animal
Services and Working Animal Services. The AnimaLink Training Center is located
in Sanford. The central location makes it accessible to individuals and organizations
throughout Michigan. There is scientific and psychological evidence that humans
benefit from positive contact with animals.
Biologist E.O. Wilson defined the concept of "biophilia" as "the innate tendency
to focus on life." In his book published in 1984, he "suggests that the evolutionary
history of human thought, language and socialization has been profoundly influenced
by our species' relationship with other animals."
More recently, in 1993 studies done by researchers Katcher and Wilkins involving
children and animals published in Biophilia Hypothesis (Keller, Wilson, eds;
Washington D.C. Island Press, 1993) reached three conclusions. They include:
"Animals brought into a human context are powerful reinforcers of human attention
and behavior; when the child is given the opportunity to interact with the animal
as well as watch it, there are more positive changes in behavior, and they are
more persistent; and human speech and the nonverbal expression of emotion are
facilitated by the presence of animals."
Similarly, the National Parent Teacher Association Congress issued a statement
in 1993 which correlates with these findings. "Children trained to extend justice,
kindness and mercy to animals become more just, kind and considerate in their
relation with each other. Character training along these lines in youth will
result in men and women of broader sympathies, more humane, more law-abiding��in
every respect more valuable citizens."
Jones has concluded through these influences and her own observations that
children gain insight from the honest reactions of animals. "If they hurt the
animal, the animal won't respect them and won't pay any attention to them,"
said Jones.
Currently, Jones has access to August Dawn and another year-and-a-half old
buffalo, a potbellied pig and two Ghost Wind Horses. This breed of horses was
featured in an article in the Nov. 1, 1997 edition of the Tribal Observer.
Here is contact information on the above mentioned organizations. Paws in the
Classroom information can be found at,
NAHEE can be accessed at and AnimaLink's
website is at http:/