Tribal Observer Issue: August 1, 2005
Saginaw Chippewa artisan and entrepreneur Steve Sowmick is seeking information from mid-Michigan area Anishinabek concerning their educational experiences for an upcoming book project.
A powwow begins with Grand Entry as dancers fill the arena in a single line to fill the Sacred Circle. Representing life, the circle symbolizes the continual flow of life and death. Like a circle, all people are connected to one another.
Just as dancing has always maintained a special significance to Native people—whether medicinal or social, traditional or competitive—the regalia cloaking each dancer retains its own spiritual value.
The dedication and care sewn into each piece is a large reflection of the individual creating the regalia. New traditions mingle with old, telling a different story for each person.
The community often only sees the finished result, the intricate beadwork and beautiful details, overlooking the hard work and many hours spent from concept to completion.
In commemoration of the 1855 treaty signing between the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan and the United States, the Ziibiwing Center of Anishinabe Culture & Lifeways will host a dinner on Aug. 2 at 6 p.m.
Powwows are celebrations, gatherings and friendly dance; but like the thread that runs through all of life, there are sacred traditions to be found in this coming together of people.
In order for everyone to have a good time, there are a few rules to follow.
There are many important people at the powwow.
This logo not only represents the Saginaw Chippewa Tribe, but it symbolizes two very important people that had a major impact on my life.
The Ziibiwing Center has officially been open for one full year! It has been like a dream come true, but I wish I had time to reflect and enjoy! Instead it’s been continuous action with daily exciting challenges and celebrations.