Tribal Observer Issue: March 15, 2006
Five-year-old Jakob Lunham and brother Kaleb, 7, recently joined an after-school program where they’re learning respect, concentration and self-discipline.
And they’re getting a ‘kick’ out of it.
The Saginaw Chippewa Academy students are enrolled in a traditional karate class under the instruction of Greg Morales and have a great time practicing Okinawa self-defense.
One of the apparent newest venues for teenagers has actually been around for decades. It is currently called a pharming party. It is nothing more than a group of teen and/or adults getting together and trading/bartering for prescription medications. Of course, as one would expect, your non-generic is almost always going to be worth more than the generic version.
These parties are arranged while the parents are typically gone for the night.
April 14 from 10 a.m. to noon in the Saginaw Chippewa Tribal Operations Gymnasium 7070 E. Broadway