Tribal Observer Issue: January 1, 2004
Electrical fires are a special concern during winter months which call for more indoor activities and increase in lighting, heating and appliance safety.
The following tips are intended to prevent electrical fires.
The balanced spiritual, mental, physical and social wellness of a cultured individual revolves around wisdom and good judgment.
To ensure every opportunity for Tribal members in attaining their education and career objectives, the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe and Higher Education offer several program prospects.
A District 1 special election has been scheduled for Feb. 10 to fill a vacancy on Tribal Council after Gerald Slater resigned.
Nominating petitions will be available on Jan. 5 and are due by Jan. 16 at 5 p.m. at the Tribal Clerk’s Office. A list of candidates will be posted by 5 p.m. on Jan. 23 at the Tribal Clerk’s Office.
Saginaw Chippewa Tribal members from all three districts will have the opportunity to meet the new Tribal Council at the Jan. 18 community meeting.
Registration will begin an hour before the 2 p.m. dinner at the Soaring Eagle Entertainment Hall. All members must have their Tribal I.D. before being allowed to attend the meeting.