No, you do not have the ability to drop charges. Many people incorrectly believe that a victim has the power to "press charges" against the wrongdoer,
or to later "drop the charges". All crimes are offenses against the community, not just the individual victim. Criminal complaints are prosecuted on behalf
of the State of Michigan, Tribes or Government not the people who called the police or those who were personally harmed by the defendant's conduct.
ONLY the Prosecuting Attorney can dismiss charges. This is important because it takes the responsibility for prosecuting the wrongdoer off
the victim's shoulders and puts it on the Prosecuting Attorney's. It also ensures that the defendant cannot "pressure" the victim into dropping the charges.
Although the decision whether to prosecute or not prosecute is ultimately up to the Prosecuting Attorney, the victim's opinion is important and the Prosecuting
Attorney will take those wishes into account when making his or her decisions regarding the case along with a variety of factors.