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WOD 6/19/24
6/18/2024 12:21:00 PM - L.I.F.E log


2-3 Minute Move

Foam Roll 30-60 Seconds of:

Your Choice


20 Surge Punches

12 Surge Flys

15 Band Rows

5 Hand Walkouts w/2 Push-Ups & Downward Dog

12 Band External Rotations

12 Med Ball Slams

then Warm-Up Bench Press 



4 x 6 of:

Dumbbell Slight Incline Bench Press 


4 x 8 of:

Tempo Landmine Bent Over Row (2 hold at top and 3 down)



"Let's Elevelate It"

3 Rounds of:

10 Hand Release Push-Ups (Modified for Ladies)

12 Ring Rows

2 Rounds of:

15 Push-Up on Box (12/20")

10 Underbar Rows (3'/Bent Knees)

1 Round of:

20 Push-ups on Box (16"/24")

8 Pull-Ups

*For Time



3 sets of:

10-15 Straight Arm Pressdowns

8-15 Dumbbell Twist Curl

10-15 Cable Leaning Overhead Extension

Ski Erg Crossover Burnouts

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